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Age Old Nutrients - Melding "Age Old" Growing Methods to the Modern Age

Age Old Nutrients  Product Family

Dating back to 1984, Age Old Nutrients has striven to develop sustainable and effective plant fertilizers. Developed originally for discerning customers, who saw a need for high-performance products that nurtured the biological life in the soil. Today, they continue to strike a balance between the natural and synthetic world by embracing the “Age-Old” ways of growing, while weaving in specific technologies that enhance the growth of plants in a sustainable way.

They have a profound respect and appreciation for the age old ways, along with a culture that thrives on research and innovation. Age Old continues to test and develop plant nutritional products that bring solutions to growers across the country and around the world.

Greenhouses, container gardening, landscaping, and commercial hydroponic production all can use their products. Their fertilizers, plant nutrients, and soil conditioners have use on ornamentals, golf courses, farms, lawns, and athletic fields. Over the years, Age Old has prospered and grown. Starting out as a small, family-run business, they now distributes their products all over the United States.

Age Old dry blends provide slow release nutrients to help build the fertility and biological activity of the soil. Our granular formulas are slower dissolving, great soil conditioners and a storehouse of energy.

Dilute concentrated Age Old liquid blends before use. When used as directed, they provide the necessary nutrients and beneficial substances needed for healthy plants and increased biological activity in all indoor/outdoor soils. Refer to the label for specific use and application rates or follow the chart found here.

The company blog on their official website offers articles based on a variety of subjects. Such as articles on fertilizer shelf life, creating and maintaining healthy soils, and mycorrhizae.

Tradewinds Wholesale Garden Supplies is proud to offer both liquid and dry Age Old Nutrient products.